
New Nav: System Values- System Values

You can also get a listing of all system values, including the security-relevant system values, in New Nav. To access these values, float your cursor over what, to me, looks like a clipboard. See Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Click on the clipboard then System Values to view and manage all system values.

The system values are grouped into categories. To display or change a value, click on (highlight) the category (the system values in each category are listed in the right column), and then right-click and choose Properties. Figure 2.4 shows an example of the properties for the Signon category.

Figure 2.4: Click on the Signon category to display/change the signon-related system values.

If you need a description of each security-relevant system value or recommendations for best-practice settings, see chapter 3 of IBM i Security Administration and Compliance, Third Edition.

Using the Audit Journal to Detect System Value Changes

I have many clients that require regular review of system value changes. The best way to do that is to review the changes using the SV audit journal entries. While you can use the method that’s been around for many, many releases (Copy Audit Journal Entry (CPYAUDJRNE)) and then run a query on the resulting file QTEMP/QAUDITSV, I prefer to use the method IBM is now providing for us: a one-step method to pull the entries out of the audit journal. The following will produce a list of system value changes made in the last two weeks, omitting the changes made via the QNTC server.

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